Onthophagus ferox Harold, 1867 male
Family: Scarabaeidae
20.5 mm
Distribution: Australia, Africa
Ecology: Imported from Africa to Australia to contro dung
Location: Australia WA, Wicherina Res.
leg. A.M.Sundholm, 20.VIII.2013; det. U.Schmidt, 2015
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015
Onthophagus ferox (Google Drive)
Onthophagus ferox Harold, 1867 male, lateral
Family: Scarabaeidae
20.5 mm
Distribution: Australia, Africa
Ecology: imported from Africa to Australia to contro dung
Location: Australia WA, Wicherina Res.
leg. A.M.Sundholm, 20.VIII.2013; det. U.Schmidt, 2015
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2015
Onthophagus ferox (Google Drive)