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Attagenus punctatus (Scopoli, 1772)
Family: Dermestidae
Size: 4.3 mm (3.5 to 5.5 mm)
Distribution: Central Europe, Southern Europe, Southern Northern Europe, Caucasus
Biology: The larva develops in hollow trees exposed to the sun. They probably feed on the remains of dead insects. The beetles eat pollen on flowering bushes
Location: Austria, Vorarlberg, Bregenz, Brachsenweg
leg.det. P.Querner, VII.2022
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2022

Attagenus punctatus  (big picture)

  Attagenus punctatus  (Flickr)

Attagenus punctatus  (Wikimedia Commons)

Location List Coleoptera Austria  (Google Drive)

Location List Dermestidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)